Floristry for Work

JJ's Story

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My name is JJ O’Neil, I am 16 and a trainee florist from South Wales. I attend the Lifelong Learning Service Floristry for Work class, my Tutor is Liz Gordon.

Ever since I can remember, I have always loved being creative. However, it is only recently that I have discovered my passion for floristry.

In May of 2022, my floral journey began. Whilst out on a birthday shopping trip, I decided to buy a few bunches of flowers to see what I could create. This was my first ever flower arrangement. After I created the arrangement, I decided that it was too big to fit comfortably in the house. So instead, I messaged my local church to see if they would like to have it for the weekend services.

Seeing the flowers in the church really inspired and showed me how flowers can completely change a space. I then became the church florist and have been learning, increasing my skills, and creating floral arrangements to brighten up the church every week and on special occasions since.

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Examples of JJ’s floristry work - Winning entry at the Gower Show
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Being the church florist has offered me so many opportunities which I am so thankful for.

At the end of July, after creating floral arrangements for only 3 months, I decided to enter my first competition, The Gower Show. The theme of the show was the Queen’s platinum jubilee. I entered 3 categories and won the novice section. This opened my eyes to the opportunities ahead of me after I finished school.

After I finished my GCSEs in July, I really struggled on what I wanted to do next. After careful deliberation, I decided to take a big step and not go to college but instead pursue my passion for flowers and become a trainee florist.

In the meantime, whilst looking for job opportunities as a trainee florist, I enrolled on some floristry courses with ‘Lifelong Learning’ to try and learn more about the industry. These courses have been fundamental in my journey. Meeting like-minded people and florists has helped me grow my confidence and learn more about everything to do with the flower world. Not to mention the various skills that I have learnt already which will help me in the future in my career as a florist.

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During these courses I am also doing some work for myself for family and friends, I have done a few funerals and my first wedding, and I could not have done any of it without the support and skills that I have gained from the courses. In October of 2022, I got my first job as a trainee at a local florist and absolutely loved it. However, at the start of November I started a new placement at another local florist.

Being a trainee florist has given me so many opportunities such as creating big floral arrangements for weddings and then installing them on-site, learning how to deal with bereaved customers with regards to funeral flowers and where to purchase flowers. I am still partaking in my ‘Lifelong Learning’ courses as well as being a trainee florist and I am learning so much about the industry and I am very excited to see where my career in floristry takes me.

Examples of JJ’s floristry work - Funeral work
Examples of JJ’s floristry work - Funeral work